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Rewriteflsa tsheets


Cost Free
Presentation Length 1.0 hour

Recorded DateApril 10, 2018
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Subject AreaBusiness Law
Course LevelBasic
Course Description

This summer, the Fair Labor Standards Act celebrates its 80th anniversary. Is a Depression-era law still an effective way to regulate the 21st Century workplace? If the FLSA was written today, what would it look like? 

Join former Assistant Attorney General Ivo Becica from Obermayer and the Economic Policy Institute’s Director of Labor Law and Policy, Celine McNicholas, on Equal Pay Day (April 10, 2018) to find out which aspects of the FLSA have kept pace with change, and which have not.


Learning Objectives

  • Understand the common challenges and frustrations employers face with FLSA compliance.

  • Learn more about the protections the FLSA provides workers and whether they are adequate.

  • Discuss the differences between the workplaces and economy of 1938 and today and how this affects current laws and regulations.

  • Consider the future of workplace laws and regulations and whether employers can expect to see any changes coming their way.

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Tirzah Buie (AT&T)

"Very interesting debate. It is very difficult to broker differences on this issue. It seems we need more discussions like this one so change can be made to modernize the FLSA."
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Barbara M. Frey (Retired)

"Thank you for this excellent & timely presentation which shed light on exactly the questions I had regarding the history and current status of this law."
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Ed Kinlaw (VDOT)

"Great course. It provided a good overview of the FLSA, and the different views held by the two presenters allowed it to be a balanced presentation."
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Lynda Dixon (Net@Work)

"The debate format was very effective in this webinar. I appreciate hearing more than one perspective on such an important topic."
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Naren Ravaliya (NJ Board of Public Utilities)

"Great Presentation by Simon along with Celine and Ivo. Highly Informative and Educational Webinar."
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Sarah Curry (Amgen)

"Interesting topic. I liked the webcam conference instead of only slide presentation."
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James Kinlaw (CBN)

"Loved the back-and-forth format. Both presenters were wonderful."
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Hal Gardner (Bunzl)

"Great discussion from very knowledgeable presenters!"
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Ivo Becica


(215) 665-3000

Obermayer logo

Ivo Becica is an attorney in Obermayer’s Labor Relations & Employment Law Department. He is editor of the firm’s HR Legalist blog. He previously served as  deputy attorney general in the employment litigation section of the New Jersey Office of the Attorney General – Division of Law, in Trenton, New Jersey.


Simon Worsfold

(888) 836-2720


Simon is an analyst in TSheets’ marketing team, helping business owners and managers to work smarter not harder by providing data, advice, and expertise on issues that matter most. He has hosted several webinars on the Fair Labor Standards Act, collaborated on a series of research projects focusing on wage and hour laws, and regularly writes articles and resources on state and federal labor laws.

Celine McNicholas

Economic Policy Institute
Director of labor law policy

(202) 775-8810

Epi logo

Celine McNicholas is EPI’s director of labor law and policy. An attorney, her current areas of work include workers’ rights issues, labor and employment law, collective bargaining, and union organizing. Before joining EPI in 2017, she served as director of congressional and public affairs and special counsel for the National Labor Relations Board.

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